The last guy just bought it." And I said "Are you fucking kidding me? This is what always happens to me. Jon: Now if you wanna know about this bad boy, I went to my local meat market that sells "hard-to-find game" here in New York City, and I said "You got duck?" And they said "We're all outta duck. Jon begins stabbing a bucket with a knife like Phil Swift, then quickly realizes it's a bad idea.Jon acts as though Phil's analysis of the bucket's damage is a graphic live autopsy and begs consideration for the poor bucket's family, who shouldn't have to watch such violence on TV.He then demonstrates the seal and asserts that there is no detriment to the bucket's volume or weight from the repairs and claims it is superior to just buying a new bucket or not deliberately destroying his old bucket. Cut to Jon, labeled "MAN WHO SPENT $356.87 ON FLEX SEAL", with a heavy bucket filled with solid Flex Seal about one inch from the brim.
Phil swift flex tape meme flexening Patch#
Jon: "Seriously, do not tr-never attempt this! Phil has gone too far, he has sniffed too much Flex Glue, and now all he can see is Martians!!"